
Disclaimer for APKGBWHATS.COM

Welcome to our platform, where we provide access to APK versions of popular apps like GB WhatsApp, offering premium features for free. Before you proceed, it is important to understand the terms and conditions that govern the use of our services.

No Guarantees

While we strive to ensure the quality and reliability of the APKs provided, we cannot guarantee the safety, continued functionality, or security of GB WhatsApp. As an unofficial app, its functionality may be disrupted at any time. We do our best to offer the latest updates, but users should be aware that using such apps comes with inherent risks.

User Responsibility

By using our services, you agree that we are not liable for any negative consequences that may arise, including data loss or account bans. It is recommended to use GB WhatsApp with a secondary phone number to minimize potential risks to your main WhatsApp account.

Protecting Your Account

For your safety, we advise against using your primary phone number with GB WhatsApp. Utilizing a secondary number helps protect your primary account’s contacts and conversations from any adverse effects.

External Links

Our website may contain links to external sites that offer downloads and resources related to GB WhatsApp. We do not control these external sites and are not responsible for their content or safety practices. Exercise caution when visiting any external links provided.

No Affiliation

Please note that we are not affiliated with the official WhatsApp, Meta (formerly Facebook), or the original developers of GB WhatsApp. Our service is independent and operates separately from these entities.


This disclaimer may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our services or terms. We encourage users to check this page regularly for the latest information.

Thank you for choosing our platform. We are committed to providing you with valuable resources while ensuring you are informed about the potential risks and responsibilities associated with using GB WhatsApp.